Latest articles
- Privacy guides
Proton Mail supports independent journalism. Our encrypted messages let
journalists protect their sources and whistleblowers safely report wrongdoing.
This infographic gives you some ways to spot top phishing email attacks.
- Product updates
- Proton Mail
Proton Mail has become the first and only encrypted email provider to support
elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), providing more security and performance.
We have joined Privacy For All Act with 23 other tech companies to support
better privacy safeguards.
Malware and social engineering are the top two types of cybercrime methods
businesses have to face. Here’s how to prevent these attacks from impacting your
- Product updates
- Proton Mail
Proton Mail supports the European Journalism Centre and their new project
These encrypted apps and web services can help small businesses secure their
data without spending too much time and money.
Employee error remains the main cause of data breaches. Learn how hackers target
employees and what you can do to stop them.
Criminals love to attack businesses via email because it gives them direct
access to every organization’s weakest link: employees themselves. You can
mitigate the threat by following these secure email practices.
- Privacy guides
In this article, we tell you how to create a strong password and the best way to
keep it safe.
This guide can help your small business take control of network security and
secure your business’s data and future.